Can Muslims Eat Beef and Cheese

  1. jewscout

    jewscout Religious Zionist

    Sep 29, 2004
    funny title, serious question tho...

    i know that some of the dietary laws in Islam are similar to Kashrut (Ex. no pork)
    what are the dietary laws for islam exactly?
    what other foods can you eat? Can not eat?
    is there a certain slaughtering technique used? if so what is it?

  2. Nehustan

    Nehustan Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2005

    I am told there is a McDonald's in Mecca, tho' Ronald has been told he can only go once he has taken shahada.​
    To address your questions....​
    i know that some of the dietary laws in Islam are similar to Kashrut (Ex. no pork)​

    what are the dietary laws for islam exactly?​

    No pork. Basically no carion, or creatures that feed off carion. No blood (the lifeforce of the animal is contained in the blood, to eat its meat is permissible, but not blood). No food that has been slaughtered with the invocation of any other God than Allah.​

    what other foods can you eat? Can not eat?​

    Anything. Tho' the cheeseburger case is an interesting one. Mixed opinions on this one. The Maccy D's in Mecca, well I'd presume that the source meat was slaughtered by the halal method, so no problem. In the west, we must presume it was slaughtered with no invocation of a god's name, so people say that merely professing 'Bismillah' over the food makes it 'halal' but I'm sure this would be totally disagreed with. All food become halal in the case of need, i.e. famine. There is no milk and meat prohibition. Another disagreed food is prawns etc. as they live by scavenging, but opinions vary.​

    is there a certain slaughtering technique used? if so what is it?​

    I believe, having never done it myself, that the neck is cut to kill and subsequently drain the blood while the invocation 'Bismillah' (in the name of God) is proclaimed.​

  3. TashaN

    Premium Member

    Aug 10, 2005
    Adding things to what brother Nehustan have mentioned already, Prophet Mohammed "peace be upon him" didn't allowed Muslims to eat any animal which has whether fang or talon. Nevertheless, anything from the sea is "Halal" to eat.

    About the slaughtering technique, plus what brother Nehustan said, we also have to let the neck directed toward the direction of "Kiblah" in Mecca while saying 'Bismillah' (in the name of God).

  4. anders

    Apr 2, 2004
    Perhaps not entiely on topic, but...

    The way I have understood it, Kosher meat is regarded by Muslims as OK from a Halal POV. A correct invocation to God is thus understood to have been said in the process, and God is of course one and the same, even if all people don't know it.

    I would like to add that, from a point of avoiding cruelty to animals, Kosher slaughtering is illegal in Sweden. Kosher meat may, however, be imported. For Halal slaughtering, Swedish Muslims and animal care authorities have managed to find a compromise, acceptable to both parties. (The animal is somehow "anesthesized" before the throat cutting and bleeding off of blood.)

    A thought struck me just as I was going to hit the Submit button --

    The Qur'an rule banning branding animals in their faces, and the rule that the butcher must have a well sharpened knife and be swift and skilful in the process, might be the world's very first legal rules for prevention of cruelty against animals.

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  5. Ori

    Apr 24, 2005
    Someone finally has something good to say about Islam :clap it's about time.
  6. TashaN

    Premium Member

    Aug 10, 2005
    May the blessing and the light of truth be upon you.

    True, The Qur'an rule banning branding animals in their faces, and the rule that the butcher must have a well sharpened knife and be swift and skilful in the process, might be the world's very first legal rules for prevention of cruelty against animals.

    Moreover, Prophet Mohammed "peace be upon him" banned Muslims from hitting an animal in it's face whether was by hand or anything else. Also, to not let other animals see one of their kind being slaughtered in front of them.

    Thank you dear anders. :)

  7. EiNsTeiN

    Feb 4, 2006
    another thing is not to kill pregnant animals, unless they give birth..

    we dont eat pigs as well!

    we dont eat animals killed except by slaughtering, and get sure the hot blood flows out...get sure u kill the animal honestly, cuz it's not allowed to let the animal feel so painfull due to a bad knife or anything else...

  8. jewscout

    jewscout Religious Zionist

    Sep 29, 2004
    alot of the slaughter practices sound similar to Kashrut:D

    thanks for the responses everyone!


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