What's the Difference Between Will and Would?


Are y'all dislocated about the deviation between volition and would in English?

It makes sense if yous are because will and would are both modal verbs. This means that we use them with other verbs to talk about things such every bit possibility, obligation, proffer, or asking for permission.

Many English learners get will and would dislocated because they're used in very similar situations. But they're non the same.

The main difference between volition and would is that will is used for real possibilities while would is used for imagined situations in the future.

Of course, this is a uncomplicated explanation. To fully understand how to utilise will and would, we'll need to embrace the following points in more than detail:

  • How to use will

  • How to use would

  • The departure between will and would in conditionals

  • The difference betwixt will and would when making requests

  • The deviation betwixt will and would when offering something

  • The difference between will and would when giving advice

  • How to use wsick and would in reported speech

If you're ready to finally learn how to use will and would, let'southward get started!

Volition and Would differences and tips

How to utilize "will"

First, let'due south take a look at a few ways that we employ the modal verb will in English.

Using "will" to give information about the futurity

We commonly utilise will to give or ask for information virtually the future. Remember that nosotros can shorten "I volition" or "We volition" to create the contraction "I'll" or "Nosotros'll":

  • We'll head home subsequently work.

  • What fourth dimension will they get here?

  • The conference volition exist held in Coming together Room A.

We likewise use will to talk about what we call up, or guess will happen:

  • Don't lend him your car. He'll crash it.

  • Who do you call back volition win tomorrow?

Using "will" when we're willing to doing something

We often use will to talk well-nigh things that we are fix to do or that we're open up to doing without any issues or objections:

  • I'll eat whatever they're serving. I'm not picky at all.

  • Sure, I'll have a loving cup of coffee. Thanks!

  • I know she'll become to Paris with me.

  • Mr. Johnson? Dr. Ramirez volition see yous now.

Using "volition" for rules or orders

Y'all'll ofttimes hear will used to talk well-nigh general rules. Y'all'll run into will on signs, in codes of conduct or visitor policies and procedures:

  • Smokers will be asked to smoke exterior.

  • Students will remain on campus during school hours.

And sometimes you'll hear people use will to requite orders or commands, although nosotros consider this extremely direct and fifty-fifty aggressive:

  • You will pick upward your room!

  • You will non speak to me that way!


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How to use "would"

Before nosotros talk about the main differences between will and would, let's talk almost some common uses for would in English:

Using "would" for expectations in the past

Nosotros tin apply would to talk most things that we were expecting to happen in the past:

  • The sky was getting cloudy, which meant it would pelting.

  • She wanted to telephone call him, but she knew he wouldn't answer.

  • It was 3:00 pm. He would exist home soon.

Using "would" to talk nigh past habits

We can too use would to mean "used to." Then, we can employ it to talk most things that we used to practice routinely:

  • When nosotros lived in the mountains, we would get hiking all the time.

  • When I was a child, my dad would read me stories every night.

But be careful: When we use would in this context, we have to brand it clear that we're talking virtually the past. For instance, discover how we use used to and non would in the post-obit examples:

  • Nosotros used to smoke.

  • I used to go jogging more.

Considering would has a few different uses, it's confusing to say:

  • We would smoke.

  • I would go jogging more.

If we don't clarify that we're talking about the past, it can sound similar nosotros're talking nigh something we might do in the present if we had the opportunity. For clarity, it's ameliorate to use would in this fashion:

  • Before we quit, nosotros would fume all the time.

  • I would go jogging more when I lived virtually the park.

Using "would" to talk about the futurity in the past

What? How can you use the future in the past?

In simple terms, when we're speaking in the past, will becomes would. For example, imagine you're a kid once again, and you lot say:

  • Anybody tells me I will do amazing things one day.

As an adult, you can say:

  • When I was a kid, everyone told me that I would do amazing things ane solar day.

Here'southward another instance. Imagine y'all only broke up with someone, and y'all say,

  • I will never dear once again.

But, after time passes, and you recover from the heartbreak, you can say:

  • Afterwards we broke upwardly, I thought I would never dearest once again.

Using "would" for patterns of behavior in the present

We can employ would in the present to testify that we expected the behavior or activity from the person.

When we utilise would in this mode, we're communicating that we don't similar sure repetitive behaviors or deportment. But we can as well use information technology sarcastically or when we're joking with someone.

We often combine it with a tag question to become a response from the person nosotros're speaking to. This use of would typically follows this construction:

  • You would say that, wouldn't you?

    (In this situation, the person might take said something dizzy or strange, and you were expecting it because they often say empty-headed or strange things.)

  • He would walk here instead of taking the bus, wouldn't he? He's so silly.

    (Hither, it didn't make sense to you lot that the person chose to walk instead of taking the charabanc. However, this person oft makes airheaded choices, and for that reason you were not surprised.)

  • You just spoiled the ending of the book! You would do that, wouldn't you?

    (In this context, the person yous're talking to often shares with you the ending of a book that y'all oasis't read. So your comment communicates that you were expecting that from them.)

Call back, we use would this mode when we're frustrated with someone'southward behavior or as a joke.


The departure between "will" and "would" in conditionals

Conditionals tend to requite English learners trouble, often because of modal verbs and mixed tenses.

And will and would are no exception.

In full general, we apply conditionals to talk virtually possibilities and results.

To decide whether you should use will or would, ask yourself this question: Is it an imagined situation, or is information technology a existent possibility in the futurity?

When we employ will with conditional sentences, it's usually to talk near real possibilities in the future. In this structure, the verb after if needs to be in the nowadays tense:

  • We will stop by the java store if we have time.

  • I will be surprised if he shows up at all.

  • If I win the coin, I'll requite it to charity.

Simply we use would to talk about imagined situations, or things that don't take the possibility of happening.

When we use conditionals with would , nosotros use the past tense after if.

Then, notice the difference between these sentences:

  • If nosotros interruption up, I will be devastated.

    (Hither, breaking upwardly is a possibility.)

  • She will exist mad if nosotros don't prove up on time.

    (In this example, being late is a possibility.)

  • If we broke up, I would exist devastated.

    (Here, using would and the by tense ways that breaking upwards is not a possibility.)

  • She would exist mad if we didn't show up on time.

    (Again, the use of would and the past tense here means that the situation is hypothetical.)

So, to summarize, in the showtime two sentences, the speaker is talking about things that might happen soon. Only in the final two examples, the speaker imagines something that's only hypothetical.

And then, that's why we usually apply would and non will when we give advice to someone or share our perspective:

  • If I were yous, I would cancel the meeting.

    If I were yous, I will cancel the meeting.

  • If you lived here, you would have to walk to work.

    If you lived here, y'all will have to walk to work.

The difference between "will" and "would" when making requests

We can use volition or would to make requests with no change in meaning. But information technology can change the politeness of your request.

For instance, if you say to your friend:

Would you paw me a soda?

Information technology sounds much more than polite than:

Will you paw me a soda?

And then, more often than not, it's better to use would when you're request people for favors. But if you lot do use volition , you lot can always add the discussion "delight" to make sure it sounds more polite.

There are some structures that we utilise to make requests that we tin can only employ with would. For example:

Would you heed…?

  • Would you lot mind getting some wine on your way home?

    Will you mind getting some wine on your style home?

Would + like

  • I would like the roast craven, please.

    I will like the roast craven, please.

Would + rather

  • He would rather not consume out tonight.

    He will rather not eat out this evening.


The difference between "volition" and "would" when making offers

We tin can as well employ would or will to offer people things with no change in significant or politeness.

I mean, it'due south always polite to offer someone something!

But there are certain structures that we tin only use with volition and some we tin only use with would.

Will you accept…?

  • Will you have some more coffee?

    Would you take some more java?

Would you lot like…?

  • Would you like another cocktail?

    Volition you like another cocktail?

How to employ "will" and "would" in reported speech

We utilize the term reported speech to talk about what someone said without putting it in quotation marks.

It'south different from direct voice communication, which is when we utilise quotation marks to show that someone is speaking.

Here's an example of straight speech communication. Here, yous'll detect that I'thou using will:

  • "I will take care of information technology," said Mark.

Here's an example of reported voice communication, and in this state of affairs, I have to use would:

  • Mark said he would take intendance of information technology.

And then, if nosotros use will in a statement that'south directly spoken, that ways we have to utilize would in a statement that we study:

  • Direct: "Ana will meet us at the bar," said Margaret.

    Reported: Margaret said Ana would see us at the bar.

  • Straight: He said, "I will never eat meat once more!"

    Reported: He said he would never eat meat over again.

  • Direct: "You volition love it here," she said to me.

  • Reported: She told me I would dearest it here.

There'due south ane exception to this dominion, though:

When we're talking about an event that'due south happening in the future, nosotros tin sometimes utilise volition in reported speech. You lot'll see this mostly after the nowadays perfect tense:

  • Grandma and Grandpa accept said they will visit for New Year'southward Eve.

  • My neighbor has said that she volition cease past the political party.


Practice I really need to larn the difference between "will" and "would"?

Like I said earlier, it's pretty easy to confuse will and would considering nosotros utilise them in similar situations, and, frankly, they sound very similar!

Most of the time, mixing upwards these 2 modal verbs volition not bear upon your ability to communicate. English speakers will still understand what yous hateful if y'all say: "I will like a soda, please" instead of "I would like a soda, please."

Just brand sure to avert making mistakes that could confuse people and touch on your communication. Here are some errors to avoid:

  1. Don't use would to talk about your definite plans in the future

  2. Don't use will to talk about habits in the past.

  3. When y'all're using will and would in conditional structures, just brand sure that you're using will for real possibilities and would for imagined situations.

And don't worry if yous make mistakes! Only call back that the more than you practise using them, the easier it will be to utilise them correctly.

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About the Author

Marta is an online ESL teacher who works with students from around the earth. As a writer, language nerd, and content correspondent for In English language With Dearest, her mission is to empower English learners with knowledge and positivity.

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