Book Reviews of Preaching the Creative Gospel Creatively


Every bit the morning service ended I was feeling blessed. My spiritual gas tank was on full, enough to comport me through the calendar week. Every bit I gathered my property to exit the temple I could hear my pastor in the background urging the ushers to give each member gospel flyers to hand out for our upcoming evangelistic series.

I was excited virtually the upcoming series but I scrimmaged at the thought of walking upward to a stranger and handing them flyers. Years agone it would take been no big deal equally I was young and didn't really care what others thought. Every bit an adult I was uncomfortable talking almost my beliefs. Fifty-fifty the elementary human action of handing out a flyer seemed difficult, for fear of what others would retrieve of me.

Such a tiny task, yet I found it and so difficult. Sharing your organized religion without fear isn't always the easiest. In the k scheme of things, when witnessing for Christ, should we care that others know that we a child of God? I believe we should be proud when others know that nosotros are.

The bible tells united states of america in Marker viii:38 NKJV "For whoever is aback of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the son of human besides will be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his begetter with the holy angels." This week on the blog we will be talking about creative ways to spread the gospel.

creative ways to share the gospel

This mail may incorporate chapter links. You tin read my full chapter disclosure here.

How To Spread The Gospel To Unbelievers?

The lord gave us 1 simple task as Christians, "go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Begetter and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Matthew 28:19 NKJV". Through witnessing we help to spread the word and it also helps to deepen our understanding of scripture. If y'all are interested in witnessing but but not certain where to start, hither are several creative ways to share the gospel including ideas on how to share the gospel in 5 minutes.

Creative Means To Spread The Gospel

#1 START A Ministry BLOG

In the digital age, in which we currently alive , blogging is a fantastic way to share the message and appoint with others. Blogging has get a popular way to express yourself and to spread data. Past starting a blog, y'all tin commencement sharing the gospel with strangers across the globe. Share what God is doing in your life besides as practical lessons y'all are learning from the Bible that can serve to encourage others. Since I accept started my web log, I have had readers from India, Due south Africa and Vietnam, just to name a few. I accept never personally been to any of these countries, but through my blog, sharing God'south words accept enabled me to impact thousands.

Not too certain what to blog about? In that location are a variety of blogs which covers topics such equally: marriage, singleness and dating, Bible Written report or even geared towards a group such as Christian teens. If starting a ministry weblog is of interest to yous, I would encourage you to enroll in the FREE course Defining Your Ministry Avatar. It will walk you through how to conspicuously define your target audience every bit a Christian Blogger. Here is a gratuitous 12 month blog plan to get you started.


Bible poetry T-shirts is a simple way to share the gospel. The lifestyle we alive also serves as a witness to others. Be mindful of how you clothes, your beliefs, as well as how y'all antipodal with others. i Timothy 2:viii-10 says: "Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting upwardly holy hands without anger or disputing. I likewise want the women to wearing apparel modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with proficient deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God."

As Christians we are on brandish for our master. You may think persons aren't watching you lot, but they are. Daily you are sending indirect letters to your community and those with which y'all collaborate. Faith clothing are great conversation starters and a fashion to share your faith. When individuals get curious, you tin share the meaning behind the poesy, an like shooting fish in a barrel way to share the gospel. Y'all can fifty-fifty go a step further and invite them to a youth group role at your church.


Get out Christian books or gospel flyers in public areas. Reach out to local offices and leave Christian magazines, books, flyers etc. in the waiting rooms or even in your apartment foyer.

Your local Christian book store or even Amazon, are great places to notice resource. You can too rent or buy community paper bins. These are like to the stands that have your daily newspapers either free or at a cost. A few years ago I read of an individual who purchased 1 of these stands and placed Christian reading material for persons to take, complimentary of accuse. He saw cracking results, that was his manner of witnessing.


When we visit our friends' homes, one of the get-go things we notice is the décor. That captivating wall art or that blimp pillow that accents and warms upwards the room. Just like with your faith clothing, this makes a wonderful conversation starter. As your friends mingle, they are taking in subliminal messages of God'due south goodness and grace. Your décor tin besides pave the manner to share your personal testimony with the grouping over dinner. Hither are some of my favorite home décor picks.

#5 Start A BIBLE STUDY Grouping

This one may sound intimidating only information technology doesn't have to be. Get a group of friends together, permit them invite a friend should they cull, and get together to study the bible. The key here, if you are not comfortable with leading the Bible Study, is to find a Bible Written report serial from i of your favorite Pastors. Whenever the group gets together, you simply can show the DVD.

You can fifty-fifty get a group of believers together from church building and visit a nursing home or a children's home, sing, play with the kids and tell them stories if you are comfortable with that. That too could be a witnessing medium. Facing the Unknown, a bible study on the book of Joshua was i of the outset online Bible Studies I participated in. You can also check out some of these other free bible studies from boyfriend bloggers.

Related Mail service: How to Grow In Faith


As part of my job, I often visit trade shows. One of the perks of attending trade shows is all the gratis promo items yous collect. On this particular visit I secured a phone cover for my phone. In the days that pursued, I would often get asked most the visitor displayed on my phone. The starting time time I was asked, I had no clue what I was advertising every bit I merely just wanted the free phone cover.

That got me thinking about how mindful I need to be in the future nearly not only what I wear only how I accessorize. Just like with your Bible poesy t-shirts and abode décor, your organized religion accessory may be the gateway to hitting up a conversation and possibly making a segway into sharing your testimony.Such an constructive witnessing tool and a c reative mode to share your faith!

Sharing The Gospel With Unbelievers

Your greatest witness is the life that y'all live, your testimony. Share what God has done and is doing in your life with family and friends. Through your life they will see God and the bear on he is having on your life. The Holy Spirit working on their hearts may then peak their interest to want to larn more nearly your God. God just wants willing vessels, willing to be used to exercise his work. Just through regular conversations yous can share how God is working in your life.

In sharing your testimony, talk about what life was like before your change occurred. Talk nigh how God brought change in your life and came through for you and then close your testimony off with how things are in your life at nowadays. If you would like to share your testimony, we would love to feature you on the web log. Review our guest posting requirements for more details on guest posting on the blog.


I was a flake leery to list this one, because as Christians I believe we have become a bit lax in what movies we allow into our homes and even permit our kids to watch. Even so, although far and in between, there are still movies or documentaries which are beneficial to watch. A point to note just because a movie bares the name christian doesn't mean its a proficient watch. If you are looking for family friendly entertainment, attempt a free trial of CrossFlix to see if its for you lot as well equally some of my favorite christian love movies.

At present, lets get back to how yous tin use this as a witnessing tool. Getting friends together, you could perhaps showcase a health focused documentary and and so accept a discussion on this as a group. You could then weave in that you believe your trunk is the temple of the Lord, and how y'all have been living out his health recommendations and the effect it has had on your life. Today's generation is very cognoscente of their wellness then its one fashion to appeal to them without being overly preachy.


While you lot can gift a LEGO ready or a new ipad, why non combine it with some Christian content? For example in addition to the LEGO set you could perhaps gift a Christian Teen Bible or fifty-fifty a subscription to a monthly christian subscription box such every bit Faith Box. Religion Box includes a monthly devotional, along with organized religion inspired books, and manus picked products to uplift and spread the wonderful bulletin of Jesus. Whether a Bible, a devotional or even something every bit simple as a key band, what matters is that yous are sharing your faith and helping the intended recipient to come to know Christ. This Starter Bible would make an awesome gift for a toddler!

#10 Beginning A Volume Lodge

Love to read and have friends who dear to read as well? Why not first a book gild. As a group y'all can read the book and come together weekly to have discussions around what you read. I especially like non-fiction books for this but you lot tin can likewise mix things upwards by including a few fiction titles as well. I accept a christian women book reading claiming if this interests yous as well as you can checkout the following book suggestions. Click here to detect book subscription boxes for kids to adults and in all genres.


If your workplace is annihilation like mine, y'all will usually go asked what your plans are for the weekend or how you lot spent your weekend. Apply this to your advantage. You lot could tell them that you program to attend church building or tell them almost the youth group events you have coming up. This ordinarily sparks interest in what you believe. Just be prepared to alive upward to what you really believe, they will be watching y'all even closer from now on. On Monday morning you could show them photos from the event such as that youth camp or women'south retreat that you lot participated in. This confirms to them that yep Christians can have fun too and being Christian isn't all about rules. Only some unique ways of sharing the gospel.

If you are looking for artistic means to share the gospel with youth, consider social media. Young adults breathe and alive social media. With social media existence such an agile function of our lives, what better way to share the gospel? You could share sermon videos from some of your favorite youth pastors. Share a worship song that has inspired yous, your testimony or even share Bible verses.

It shouldn't be almost arguing with each other that 1 belief is better than the other or trying to convert people; that'south the job of the Holy Spirit. The key here is to be a ray of inspiration in your friends news feed. If you have the Y'all Version Bible App, the Bible verses images they provide are easy ways to share the gospel. They have daily "verse of the day" with images which you can share to places like Facebook.

Verses About Sharing The Gospel

These verses on sharing the gospel have all been taken from the Rex James Version.

"For all have sinned, and come up short of the glory of God;" Romans 3:23

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans half dozen:23

"That if chiliad shalt confess with thy oral fissure the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, one thousand shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the rima oris confession is made unto conservancy." Romans 10:9-10

"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest k this?" John 11:25-26

"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, in that location is none that seeketh after God." Romans 3:10-11

Bible Verses About Sharing The Gospel

Hither are some boosted scripture about sharing the gospel.

"Become ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Begetter, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatever I take commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, fifty-fifty unto the finish of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:nineteen-20 KJV

"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be set up always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear. i Peter 3:15 KJV

"And the gospel must first be published among all nations." Mark thirteen:10 KJV

" Sing unto the Lord, anoint his proper noun; shew along his salvation from mean solar day to day. Declare his glory among the infidel, his wonders amongst all people. For the Lord is great, and profoundly to be praised: he is to exist feared above all gods." Psalms 96:2-4 KJV

"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you lot, and persecute you, and shall say all fashion of evil against yous falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and exist exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." Matthew v″11-12 KJV


When it comes to starting to share the word of God, your walk with Christ is your all-time testimony  than whatsoever other ways to spread the gospel you may effort. Your actions often speak louder than your words. While I have included some creative ways to witness, there isn't a formula written in stone on how to spread the gospel with unbelievers. Pray about your desire to share the gospel with unbelievers and give these creative means to share the gospel a endeavor until y'all discover one that resonates with yous.

Spread The Gospel

I hope you lot found some creative ways to begin sharing the word of God. Allow me know in the comments which of these practical ways to share your faith you are committing to giving a try. Accept some additional tips on how to spread the gospel? Drop them in the comments below also.

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